Ruxley Roar Issue 12 - Potential Merger


The Official Newsletter of Ewell Ruxley Cricket Club

Issue No. 12 – June 2002

In the immortal words of Edmund Blackadder, “Do you know what irony is Baldrick?”

“Yes, it’s the same as goldy and bronzey, only made of iron”

Despite, Baldrick’s rather confused response, the essence of irony lies in the way that events unfold to produce an ironic conclusion; let me put it another way.

This is the story of a cricket team who have a strong and lengthy tradition in Surrey club cricket; a team who have enjoyed success, failure, eviction from their spiritual home and lived to tell the tale; a team who are currently financially secure; a team who, to date this season have won every game they have played, 6 out of 6 in the league and 4 out of 4 on Sundays, high days and holidays.

Yet this is also the Club for whom extinction is possibly only a season away; a Club who has increasingly had to cancel fixtures against long standing opponents; a team struggling to get 11 players on the pitch. It doesn’t make sense does it? Sounds familiar?

This is the stark reality of our current situation. This truncated issue of the Roar! is a special issue. It is all about us, about the future of our Club. Paul Goodall has laid out the salient points in his article. I urge you all to read it, digest it and agree the best way forward.

In my time as a self appointed Editor of the Roar!, I have always stressed that this is your Club, whether trying to cajole people on to the Committee or urge people to play. Now really is the time to stand up and be counted. Furthermore, I cannot stress strongly enough how important Club unity is at this time.

If the tragic deaths earlier this year of Ben Hollioake and Umar Rashid taught us anything, other than to reinforce our own mortality, it was to live for the now, to live for today. The situation today insists that we act rapidly or face extinction; it is that simple.

But back to irony...the irony of this, some would say inevitable situation, will not be lost on anyone with a long association with Ewell Ruxley Cricket Club. The solution presented to us all could find us playing our cricket back at Ruxley Lane. Isn’t it ironic?

From the Chair

Many of you will be aware that we have been struggling to field a full team on a number of occasions already this season. Adverts for players have been placed at libraries, Kingston University and local newspapers without a single enquiry. This has resulted in cancelling games at Wallington and Ottershaw, and finishing a league game with only eight players. After this game, against Deando, the possibility of a merger was discussed amongst some of our players. I took it upon myself to contact Neville Rainford, a Deando player and Secretary of the Kookaburra Fordham Surrey Cricket League. His initial reaction was very positive and he suggested that we meet up for a beer later in the week, along with Dave Bliss the Hon. Gen. Sec. of Deando CC.

We met and spent two hours discussing the possibility of a merger between the two clubs. Throughout our discussion, they were both very enthusiastic about the prospect, emphasising that they saw it as a step forward for both clubs. We discussed both the pitfalls and positive aspects. I left the meeting with the feeling that a merger could become a reality.

The way forward is as follows; Deando have a Committee meeting in the next few days, and our Committee will meet in early July. It has been suggested that three or four members from each Committee will then meet for a discussion about all the issues that have arisen. If both Committees still felt a merger was in the best interests of their clubs, then EGM's (Extraordinary General Meetings) would be called.

Please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Frank Ford if you would like to discuss any points, or have any questions you feel the Committee should raise with Deando. I have already indicated that we would want a new name signifying the two merged clubs. They currently run two Saturday and two Sunday teams and would welcome the chance to keep the University ground at Tolworth Court, if possible. They still have pitch problems at Ruxley Lane and a 'strained' relationship with Old Haileybarians. They have a one year rolling lease, but are trying to negotiate a seven year lease to give them security, which would result in money being spent to improve playing conditions at Ruxley Lane.

Obviously these are very early days, but I feel a merger would be a positive step, and would enable our members to continue playing together in the same club. I don't think Ewell Ruxley can survive much longer without an influx of players, and this does not seem likely. Deando is a likeable club which is run in a similar way to our days back at Ruxley Lane. They have invited us to enter a team in their annual six a side tournament on 10th July. Everyone is welcome and this will give us an excellent chance to reacquaint ourselves with the ground and facilities. Hopefully we will have a good turnout and I'm looking forward to this and the discussions that will follow in the coming months.

Paul Goodall


In The News ………....

Six a side competition at Deando

As the Paul mentioned in his article, we have entered a team in to the Deando six a side competition on the 10th July, a team which I believe is good enough to win the competition. Why not take a half days holiday and come down to Ruxley Lane to support the boys. The bar is open all day and for those who do not know Ruxley Lane, it will be a chance to see the ground and for those who do know the ground, a chance to renew old acquaintances.

A warm welcome back to the fold to Darryl Mundy after an absence of 15 years. Daryl, via a circuitous route returned to the Club recently and one of his first tasks was to hit the winning runs in a top victory over Old Tens, always a sweet victory.

Last Sunday saw the 10th win in Ruxley’s unbeaten season with a comfortable 5 wicket win over much fancied and very youthful Hampton Wick Royal. After Phil Hales put them in, Hampton made a painstaking and painful 138 all out in a massive 52.1 overs with all our bowlers putting in a great effort. Phil Woolston saw us home with 61* and plenty of overs to spare.


Dear Frank

Having played for Ewell Ruxley CC for almost 25 years, I find this letter very hard to write but I suppose it had to happen eventually.

Moving to Reading (60 miles for a home game), having my two wonderful children, and all the demands that go with an international jet set lifestyle have finally taken their toll on the old Malandrone “joire de vivre” (I think he means “joie de vivre”. Ed)

It is therefore with great regret that I must announce to all my old chums and playing members that after much deliberation, I have had all my hair cut off. I am afraid there will be no more Billy Connelly jokes or cries of “Behold the Messiah” from the opposition, no more fun and games in the shower with enormous Mohican hair styles being made with the aid of shampoo, no more Francis Debinden impressions and no more holding my hair over the more folically challenged in our ranks to remind them of days long gone. I have of course kept the lopped locks and they will shortly be available in a special presentation gift pack. However, stocks are limited as a big anonymous order has already been received from the Isle of Wight, and also Phil Woolston is having a special new chest wig made. So, as I say, best be quick with those orders.

Deb thinks I look like David Essex, Mark Ridout thinks David Hasselhof, I will leave you to make up your own minds, but one thing I beg of you all, just please recognise me unlike my Mother who called the Police when I went round to her house and let myself in the other day. Happy New Ears.


P.S. Barry’s letter in the Christmas Roar! did make me chortle; has he been composing that since the Roar began?


Dear Frank,

Thanks for the fixture card. It always reminds me how much I miss it all. I would like to think that I will get over to watch a couple of games, but it never seems to happen for one reason or another.

I hope to get down on Tour for at least a couple of days.

I couldn’t manage without my copy of the Roar! So please find enclosed my social subs.

See you soon,

Best regards,

Bob Carey


And Finally ………....

This won’t be the final issue of The Roar! but the number of articles letters etc. coming through has been remarkably thin. You have proved in the past that there are wordsmiths out there apart from Mallers, the Chair and Phil Hales so get writing! See you on the 10th July for a beer at Ruxley Lane.

Frank Ford


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