Deando Ruxley CC Newsletter - January 2003

Deando Ruxley C.C Newsletter – January 2003

Welcome to the first Deando Ruxley CC Newsletter. Festive greetings to all the membership, Vice-Presidents and friends of the Club. Since the merger of both the clubs on November the 6th I’d like to bring everyone up to date on the latest news and information in 2003, so without further ado here we go.

New Executive Committee and Captains

The following fine upstanding individuals were elected by the membership at the Formation meeting:

Chairman – Pete Mckay             1st XI Saturday Captain – Paul Goodall        1st XI VC Simon Parker

General Secretary – Dave Bliss  2nd XI Saturday Captain – Mabes Suleman  2nd XI VC Fred Hamid

Treasurer – Dave Kaill               3rd XI Saturday Captain – Neville Rainford  3rd XI VC Paul Simner

Fixture Secretary – Ian Wyatt    1st XI Sunday Captain – Phil Hales               1st XI VC Mabes Suleman

General Committee Member – Paul Goodall 2nd XI Sunday Captain – Nigel Stratton 2nd XI VC Malcolm Moore

General Committee Member – Tony Aldiss

General Committee Member – Mabes Suleman

League Rep – Paul Goodall

Auditors – Richard Armstrong & Dilip Degamia



We have booked three indoor nets at Ewell Castle School between 8-9pm on Tuesday nights these will commence on January 28th and finish April 29th. Ian Wyatt has kindly offered to run the nets this year, we will need to operate on a first come first served basis so please contact Ian on xxxxxxxx  or xxxxxxxx to confirm if you wish to attend. The cost per session will be £3.50 and payable on the night.


The first League fixtures are:

Deando Ruxley v Woodies Lions May 10th (a); Deando Ruxley A v Addington , May 10th (University Ground) Deando Ruxley B v St Lukes May 10th Ruxley Lane.

The new complete fixture card will be available over the next couple of months and will be distributed accordingly.


Please note that annual subscription is due as of the first of January.

Full playing membership - £30.00

Social Membership - £10.00

Student membership - £20.00

Junior membership (under 17 as at Jan 1st) - £20.00

Please make cheques payable to Deando Ruxley CC and sent to:

Dave Kaill

XX Xxxxxxxxx




If you would rather spread any dues you may owe the cub, for e.g. Tour, membership, club kit and 100 club please contact Dave Kaill on XXXXXXX who will be able to arrange to set up a monthly standing order for you.

100 Club

For many years Deando CC have been running a 100 club which raises much needed cash to pay for various kit and equipment each season. For the equivalent of £1.00 a week you are entered into a weekly draw where you could win £10.00, then the grand Draw in June & December, the winner receives £750.00, the runner up £200.00 and third number drawn out of the hat wins £100.00.

All profits from the two draws each year go directly back into the Club so please consider joining – in the first instance contact Dave Kaill for more information.


The following has reached our newsdesk concerning our mild mannered President Mr Doug Mckenzie.

Congratulations Doug!

Doug was presented his award as Rat of the Year at the Grand Order of Water Rats’ Annual Ball at Grosvenor House on Sunday 24 November.

The Rat of the Year Trophy, instituted in 1964, is awarded to the Water Rat whose efforts are singularly outstanding. He is the Water Rat who works unobtrusively behind the scenes. He plods on, like an invisible giant, taking the big strides that bring success to a project. The recipients of the Gold Trophy hold it for one year, after which they receive a replica.

Previous winners include Ronnie Hazlehurst in 1995, Roy Castle in 1992, Jimmy Perry in 1983, Bernie Clifton in 1982, Michael Robbins in 1978, Arthur English in 1976, Henry Cooper in 1975, Danny La Rue in 1973 and Jimmy Tarbuck in 1969.


Help is needed – when isn’t it….

The cricket Club requires a Kit Officer. We currently own two kit bags full of kit – quite new and expensive. Every year kit needs to be replaced or repaired. We currently get very good discounts with Romida in Leatherhead. The only requisite for the job is a car to be able to move the stuff around if you have the time (only a couple of hours a month) please contact Dave Bliss on xxxxx or xxxxx.

Web Wizard required. Deando CC have a website up and running, however this needs to be rebranded to reflect our new Club. The initial work would probably take about 8/9 hours then subsequently about 1hr a week to keep the site updated. If you can spare some time to help out on this please contact Mabes Suleman on xxxxxxxxx.

Umpires required. The League is looking at each side having to supply a non-playing umpire especially in division one where our first XI will be playing. You don’t need to be qualified – but having some idea of the LBW law would be a bonus!! – So if you can spare a few Saturdays to help the club out and get a free tea please contact Paul Goodall at xxxxxxxx.

Social Activities


Keith Roberts has booked the hotel for tour in Bournemouth. We are at the Marsham Court Hotel in Bournemouth.

It has a 24-hour bar. Do you need to know anything else!. Well, for those who do want to know a bit more than info on the bar, here are the dates and fixtures booked so far:

Mon      16-Jun  Broadstone       Away    6pm

Tue      17-Jun  New Milton        Away    2.30pm

Wed     18-Jun  Portland            Away    2.30pm

Thu      19-Jun  Wimborne         Away    2.30pm

Fri        20-Jun                          Away

Full details can be found on the cost will be £35.00 per night B&B.

Club Day

We are planning a Club get to know you day on Friday May the 2nd at the Clubhouse Ruxley Lane. This will be great opportunity for us to all get to know each other before the season proper starts. The bar will be fully stocked with all your favorite soft drinks and for those who may want to imbibe, the odd barrel of lager will also be available… Watch this space for more details.

Golf Day

Tony Alldis has taken on the challenge of organizing a Club Golf Day, at time of going to press no firm details were available, check out the next newsletter for full details.

Other Stuff

Finally, this newsletter is purely for the benefit of the membership if you think it can be improved upon or you have some info, which you think should be included please contact Dave Bliss or any other committee member.