Ruxley Roar Issue 1


Issue No. 1 - June, 1998

This is the first edition of what hopefully will become a regular feature during the year, a method of keeping in touch, communicating events and occasions to all Ruxley members wherever they are. How regular this becomes will depend on many factors, not least being the amount of time1can devote to it, the interest shown by the members and most importantly, the contribution from the members. What I envisage is a newsletter, a bulletin board, a short two sided affair put out three maybe four times a year. In time, we may develop something more complex and involve colour and visuals, but for the time being this proto-type will suffice and judging on the response, take it from there. I want to encourage articles and comments from all members, including our overseas contingent, specifically but not exclusively on cricket in general and Ewell Ruxley Cricket Club.


The fixture against Xxxxxxxxx is against their 2nd XI and not their 1st XI as was originally scheduled. Nothing is simple where Xxxxxxxxx C.C. is concerned. Having cancelled the game against us last year due to a lame excuse concerning the state of their pitch, they did the same this year due to the fact that their 1st XI play in the Evening Standard knockout competition for senior clubs within the M25 and they won their first round game. So, instead of playing their 1st XI we now have a fixture against their 2nd XI on the 7th June starting at 14.00 at their ground. I got a call from the skipper of their 2’s who was slightly miffed to be trekking across London for a fixture with their home ground vacant, due to their 1st XI playing away, and we got the call.

On the subject of fixtures, the Windlesham fixture which was rained off at the beginning of the season has been rescheduled for Sunday 23rd August at their ground, 14.00 start.

Thank you to all the eagle eyes who spotted my deliberate (?) error on the fixture cards this season. The August Bank Holiday is in fact the 31st this year and not the 24th as per the card. The real / revised schedule should read as follows:

Saturday 22nd August   Beddington Village      Home   14.00

Sunday 23rd August      Windlesham                 Away   14.00

Monday 31st August     Normandy                    Away   14.00



Under the new cricket regime in England and Wales, The Surrey Cricket Association has been replaced by the Surrey Cricket Board and in line with this, Ewell Ruxley are members. The most notable benefit amongst many of being a member of the Surrey Cricket Board is that we get 5 tickets for the Oval to see any Surrey 1st XI County Championship or AXA 40 over game during the season (with a couple of day/night exceptions).

These tickets are available to any Ruxley member so if you want to support Surrey cricket, see me and I’ll let you have the tickets. Alas these tickets cannot be used for any of the knock-out competitions nor for the Test Match.


Rumours abound as to the future of Tolworth Court, our home ground that we rent from Kingston University. From our very first dealings with the Poly (well it was a Polytechnic when I was there! Ed.) they have made it very clear that they would sell it for development if they could, as the usage by the students, certainly during the summer months was minimal. It now appears that the latest threat comes from none other than Wimbledon Football Club who are looking at purchasing Tolworth Court and turning it in to a centre of excellence for youth development. I spoke with Roy the groundsman who said that off the record, the Dons were very keen to sign the deal, but nothing was certain as yet. The ramifications as far as we are concerned are obvious. To play league cricket we need a home ground, and next year would be the 3rd year of our 2nd three year tenure there. Reading between the lines and taking in to account a recent phone call from the University asking about our agreement, I feel that it is more than speculation, and as the saying goes there is no smoke without fire. So we need to be aware of two things, firstly that we may have to find a new home ground for the 2000 season, and secondly ask any Dons members in the Club to keep their ears to the ground.


Congratulations to our Chairman for winning the Clubman of the year Award at the recent AGM and for being recognised by the newly named Kookaburra / Fordham League for his contribution to the League over the years in the form of an article on his career. Copies of the League handbook are still available. See Paul or myself.

Mallers is doing a top job as Team Sec. Please remember to help him by thinking ahead and letting him know your availability for forthcoming games. Equally important, please let both Pete and myself know if you change address, home/work phone number etc. it makes keeping in touch a lot easier.

I have been approached by the Epsom and Ewell local paper to file a report on our games over the weekend. The report only has to be 150 words but needs to be faxed through to their offices by Tuesday. Any volunteers? You would need access to a fax machine.

We will be looking to do our winter get together again this year. It is obviously some way off, but if you know of anywhere that would suit, let me know.

The world wide web has plenty to offer the cricket lover. The best web site I have found (cricket web site that is) is

So that’s it for issue number 1. Hopefully there will be more, but I stress that this will depend on the response, so don’t let apathy find a home in your heart and contribute to issue number 2 of the Ruxley Roar!

Frank Ford        Editor 1st June, 1998